Monday, June 27, 2011

X-Men: First Class

I'll keep this entry quick. Saw this one over the weekend and I can honestly say that out of all of the Xmen movies (Xmen, X2:X-Men United, X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men Origins: Wolverine), this is by far the best one.

This movie was everything I wanted in an X-men movie. Well, it would have been even better if it Rated-R, but that's another blog. The story was great and it fit perfectly. The actors were not huge name actors and played the parts perfectly. James McAvoy, plays Charles Xavier and was the best choice. Michael Fassbender plays Erich Lencher (Magneto) and he was Bad Ass! He was a Jewish boy that went through concentration camps and is hell bent on getting some vengeance. He was killing guys left and right. He even used his mutant powers and pulled out a dudes metal filling while it was still in his mouth. Flippin gnarly dude! I think he's going to be the next up and coming lead male actor. Watch. Anyways, the movie was sweet and it tied in pretty much all of the other movies which is something that the previous four X-Men films kinda lacked in.

X-Men: First Class is an awesome movie! If you like any of the other films, check this one out because you won't be disappointed. Yes indeed!

Typical Situation

Ten fingers we have each

Nine planets around the sun repeat

Eight ball is the last if you triumphant be

Seven oceans pummel the shores of the sea

It's a typical situation

In these typical times

Too many choices

Everybody's happy

Everybody's free

We'll keep the big door open

And everyone'll come around

Why are you different

Why are you that way

If you don't step in line

We'll lock you away

Six senses keeping

Five around a sense of self

Four seasons turn on and turn off

I can see three corners from this corner

Two is a perfect number

But one

Everybody's happy

Everybody's free

We'll keep the big door open

And everyone'll come around

Why are you different

Why are you that way

If you don't step in line

We'll lock you away

It's a typical situation

In these typical times

We can't do a thing about it

- Dave Matthews

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Yes Indeed Papers Salute...

Steve Buscemi.

Steve Buscemi is my June pick for the under appreciated actor. This guy has done it all. He's been in action movies, drama, and comedy. He can be the funny guy. He's really good at being the creepy guy. He can also be kind of a bad-ass when he wants to be. Even lend a good voice to an animated movie. Here are some of his more memorable roles.

  • Reservoir Dogs

  • Airheads

  • Billy Madison

  • Desperado

  • Fargo

  • Escape From L.A.

  • Con Air

  • The Wedding Singer

  • The Big Lebowski

  • Armageddon

  • 28 Days

  • Big Daddy

  • Monsters, Inc. (voice)

  • Mr Deeds

  • Big Fish

  • I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry

  • Grown Ups

So I know that's a lot but, like I said, the guy's done it all. And I don't think he gets enough credit. He was the pretty awesome in Reservoir Dogs. He was hilarious in Wedding Singer, Airheads, and Big Daddy. And he was perfect for his role in Fargo. Steve Buscemi deserves much more credit. So from all of us here at The Yes Indeed Papers (and when I say from all of us, I mean just me), Steve Buscemi....we salute you....Yes Indeed!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Dream So Real

Falling Hard Falling Fast
Some how land with both feet on the ground
A dream so real, so inspired, I can still smell the smoke and fire
When I'm gone, what I fear, the most unthinkable thing
Is that some how, I will never feel my arms around you

Oh when I'm gone
Feel lost
Too far away
I try to remember sometimes
I'm gonna fumble until I find
The little things that keep me going

A little boy with broken arms
He used to dream that he could fly
A dream so real, that he believed
And jumped from the top of the stairs
For a moment, he was there
Wings spread as wide as the sky
But then of course the world pulled him down
And he crash landed on the ground

Oh when I'm gone
Feel lost
Too far away
I try and remember sometimes
I'm gonna fumble until I find
The little things that keep me going

With every step
If we were sure
Of what the next step could be
Well then at least, we would know
Just how we ended up here

Oh when I'm gone
Feel lost
Too far away
I try and remember sometimes
I'm gonna fumble until I find
The little things that keep me going

~Dave Matthews